Source code for chemtools.calculators.gamessreader

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#Copyright (c) 2014 Lukasz Mentel
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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    GamessReader    : reading gamess binary files.

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple

from .gamessus import GamessLogParser

# add an option to choose which reader should be used for dictionary file
# and sequential files, the options are:
# - wrapped fortran code that need to be compiled and installed or
# - native reader written in python using DictionaryFile and SequentialFile
# classes

# fortran modules nedded for GamessReader Class
# from gamessusfortranext import twoe

[docs]class GamessFortranReader(object): ''' Class for holding method for reading gamess binary files: $JOB.F08 : two electron integrals over AO's, $JOB.F09 : two electron integrals over MO's, $JOB.F10 : the dictionary file with 1-e integrals, orbitals etc., $JOB.F15 : GUGA and ORMAS two-electron reduced density matrix, ''' def __init__(self, log): self.logfile = log i = self.logfile.index("log") self.filebase = self.logfile[: i - 1] self.twoeaofile = self.filebase + ".F08" self.twoemofile = self.filebase + ".F09" self.rdm2file = self.filebase + ".F15" = GamessLogParser(log=self.logfile)
[docs] def get_onee_size(self, aos=True): ''' Get the size of the vector holding upper (or lower) triangle of a square matrix of size naos or nmos. ''' if aos: n = else: n = return n * (n + 1) // 2
[docs] def get_twoe_size(self, aos=False): ''' Get the size of the 1d vector holding upper (or lower) triangle of a supermatrix of size nmos (2RDM and two-electrons integrals). ''' n = self.get_onee_size(aos) return n * (n + 1) // 2
[docs] def read_rdm2(self, filename=None, nmo=None): '''Read the 2rdm from the gamess-us file''' # initialize numpy array to zeros rdm2 = np.zeros(self.get_twoe_size(), dtype=float) # use gamess module to read the integrals from the file -filename- if filename: if os.path.exists(filename): print("Reading {}".format(filename)) twoe.integrals.readinao(rdm2, filename) return rdm2 else: sys.exit("File '{0:s}' doesn't exist, exiting...".format(filename)) elif os.path.exists(self.rdm2file): twoe.integrals.readinao(rdm2, self.rdm2file) return rdm2 else: sys.exit("File '{0:s}' doesn't exist, exiting...".format(self.rdm2file))
[docs] def read_twoeao(self, filename=None, nmo=None): '''Read the two electron integrals from the gamess-us file''' # initialize numpy array to zeros ints = np.zeros(self.get_twoe_size(aos=True), dtype=float) # use gamess module to read the integrals from the file -filename- if filename: if os.path.exists(filename): twoe.integrals.readinao(ints, filename) return ints else: sys.exit("File '{0:s}' doesn't exist, exiting...".format(filename)) elif os.path.exists(self.twoeaofile): twoe.integrals.readinao(ints, self.twoeaofile) return ints else: raise OSError("File '{0:s}' doesn't exist, exiting...".format(self.twoeaofile))
[docs] def read_twoemo(self, filename=None, nmo=None): '''Read the two electron integrals from the gamess-us file''' # initialize numpy array to zeros ints = np.zeros(self.get_twoe_size(), dtype=float) # use gamess module to read the integrals from the file -filename- if filename: if os.path.exists(filename): twoe.integrals.readinmo(ints, filename) return ints else: sys.exit("File '{0:s}' doesn't exist, exiting...".format(filename)) elif os.path.exists(self.twoemofile): twoe.integrals.readinmo(ints, self.twoemofile) return ints else: sys.exit("File '{0:s}' doesn't exist, exiting...".format(self.twoemofile))
[docs]def ijkl(i, j, k, l): ''' Based on the four orbital indices i, j, k, l return the address in the 1d vector. ''' ij = max(i, j) * (max(i, j) + 1) / 2 + min(i, j) kl = max(k, l) * (max(k, l) + 1) / 2 + min(k, l) return max(ij, kl) * (max(ij, kl) + 1) / 2 + min(ij, kl)
[docs]def factor(i, j, k, l): ''' Based on the orbitals indices return the factor that takes into account the index permutational symmetry. ''' if i == j and k == l and i == k: fijkl = 1.0 elif i == j and k == l: fijkl = 2.0 elif (i == k and j == l) or (i == j and i == k) or (j == k and j == l) or (i == j or k == l): fijkl = 4.0 else: fijkl = 8.0 return fijkl
#""" #BinaryFile: A class for accessing data to/from large binary files #================================================================= # #The data is meant to be read/write sequentially from/to a binary file. #One can request to read a piece of data with a specific type and shape #from it. Also, it supports the notion of Fortran and C ordered data, #so that the returned data is always well-behaved (C-contiguous and #aligned). # #This is also seeking capable. # #:Author: Francesc Alted #:Contact: #:Created: 2010-03-18 #:Acknowledgment: Funding for the development of this code is provided #through the Norwegian Research Council VAUUAV project #184724, 2010 # #"""
[docs]class BinaryFile(object): """Class representing a binary file (C or Fortran ordered).""" def __init__(self, filename, mode="r", order="fortran"): """Open the `filename` for write/read binary files. The `mode` can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default), writing or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't exist when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when opened for writing. Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing. `order` specifies whether the file is is written in 'fortran' or 'c' order. """ self.mode = mode + "b" self.file = open(filename, mode=self.mode, buffering=1) """The file handler.""" if order not in ['fortran', 'c']: raise ValueError("order should be either 'fortran' or 'c'.") self.order = order """The order for file ('c' or 'fortran')."""
[docs] def read(self, dtype, shape=(1,)): """Read an array of `dtype` and `shape` from current position. `shape` must be any tuple made of integers or even () for scalars. The current position will be updated to point to the end of read data. """ if not hasattr(dtype, "itemsize"): dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if type(shape) is int: shape = (shape,) if type(shape) is not tuple: raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple") length = dtype.itemsize if shape is not (): length *= np.array(shape).prod() # Correct the shape in case dtype is multi-dimensional shape = shape + dtype.shape if shape in (1, (1,)): order = "c" else: order = self.order length = int(length) # Read the data from file data = if len(data) < length: raise EOFError("Asking for more data than available in file.") # Convert string into a regular array data = np.ndarray(shape=shape, buffer=data, dtype=dtype.base) # If original data file is in fortran order, reverse the shape first if order == "fortran": shape = [i for i in shape[::-1]] data = data.reshape(shape) if shape == (): # Retrieve the scalar out of the 0-dim array data = data[()] else: # If original data file is in fortran order, do a transpose. # As the shape was reversed previously, we get the original # shape again. if order == "fortran": data = data.transpose().copy() # Do an additional copy just in case the array is not # wel-behaved (i.e., it is not aligned or not contiguous). elif not data.flags.behaved: data = data.copy() return data
[docs] def write(self, arr): """Write an `arr` to current position. The current position will be updated to point to the end of written data. """ # Transpose data if case we need to if (self.order == "fortran") != (arr.flags.fortran): arr = arr.transpose().copy() # Write the data to file self.file.write(
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=0): """Move to new file position. Argument offset is a byte count. Optional argument whence defaults to 0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values are 1 (move relative to current position, positive or negative), and 2 (move relative to end of file, usually negative, although many platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file). If the file is opened in text mode, only offsets returned by tell() are legal. Use of other offsets causes undefined behavior. """, whence)
[docs] def tell(self): "Returns current file position, an integer (may be a long integer)." return self.file.tell()
[docs]class SequentialFile(BinaryFile): def __init__(self, filename, logfile=None): ''' Initialize the class with the superclass method. ''' super(SequentialFile, self).__init__(filename) if logfile is None: logfile = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".log" glp = GamessLogParser(log=logfile) self.nao = glp.get_number_of_aos() self.nmo = glp.get_number_of_mos() self.core = glp.get_number_of_core_mos() if self.nao < 255: self.large_labels = False else: self.large_labels = True
[docs] def ijkl(self, i, j, k, l): ''' Based on the four orbital indices i,j,k,l return the address in the 1d vector. ''' ij = max(i, j) * (max(i, j) - 1) // 2 + min(i, j) kl = max(k, l) * (max(k, l) - 1) // 2 + min(k, l) return max(ij, kl) * (max(ij, kl) - 1) // 2 + min(ij, kl) - 1
[docs] def get_index_buffsize(self, buff_size, int_size): ''' Return the index buffer size for reading 2-electron integrals''' if int_size == 4: if self.large_labels: return 2 * buff_size else: return buff_size elif int_size == 8: if self.large_labels: return buff_size else: return (buff_size + 1) // 2 else: raise ValueError('wrong "int_size": {}'.format(int_size))
[docs] def readseq(self, buff_size=15000, int_size=8, mos=False, skip_first=False): ''' Read FORTRAN sequential unformatted file with two-electron quantities: - two electron integrals over AO's: .F08 file - two electron integrals over MO's: .F09 file - elements of the two particle density matrix: .F15 file Args: buff_size : int size of the buffer holding values to be read, in gamessus it is stored under ``NINTMX`` variable and in Linux version is equal to 15000 which is the default value large_labels : bool a flag indicating if large labels should were used, if largest label ``i`` (of the MO) is ``i<255`` then ``large_labels`` should be ``False`` (case ``LABSIZ=1`` in gamessus), otherwise set to ``True`` (case ``LABSIZ=2`` in gamess(us), skip_first : bool skips the first record of the file is set to True, Returns: numpy 1D array holding the values ''' indexBuffSize = self.get_index_buffsize(buff_size, int_size) if mos: nmo = self.nmo - self.core nt = self.nmo * (self.nmo + 1) // 2 if skip_first: #n1 = nmo*(nmo+1)/2*n1) + 4) Hoe ='f8', shape=(nt, )) # advance four trailing bytes + 4) else: nt = self.nao * (self.nao + 1) // 2 ints = np.zeros(nt * (nt + 1) // 2, dtype=float, order='F') int_type = np.dtype('i' + str(int_size)) index_buffer = np.zeros(indexBuffSize, dtype=int_type, order='F') value_buffer = np.zeros(buff_size, dtype=float, order='F') length = 1 while length > 0: + 4) length = int( if length > buff_size: raise ValueError('the read record length: {0:10d} is greater that the buffer size {1:10d}'.format(int(length), buff_size)) index_buffer =, shape=(indexBuffSize, )) value_buffer ='f8', shape=(buff_size, )) for m in range(1, abs(length) + 1): if int_size == 4: if self.large_labels: label1 = int(index_buffer[2 * m - 1]) label2 = int(index_buffer[2 * m]) i = label1 >> 16 j = label1 & 65535 k = label2 >> 16 l = label2 & 65535 else: label = int(index_buffer[m - 1]) i = label >> 24 j = label >> 16 & 255 k = label >> 8 & 255 l = label & 255 elif int_size == 8: if self.large_labels: label = int(index_buffer[m - 1]) i = label >> 48 j = label >> 32 & 65535 k = label >> 16 & 65535 l = label & 65535 else: if m % 2 == 0: label = int(index_buffer[m // 2 - 1]) i = label >> 24 & 255 j = label >> 16 & 255 k = label >> 8 & 255 l = label & 255 else: label = int(index_buffer[m // 2]) i = label >> 56 & 255 j = label >> 48 & 255 k = label >> 40 & 255 l = label >> 32 & 255 ints[self.ijkl(i, j, k, l)] = value_buffer[m - 1] + 4) return ints
[docs] def read_ci_coeffs(self): ''' Read CI coefficients from file NFT12 and return them as a numpy array of floats. ''' nstates ='i8') nconfs ='i8') title ='a80', shape=(2,)) # advance 4 bytes for the end of the record and additional # 4 for the start of the new record + 8) return'f8', shape=(nconfs * nstates,))
[docs]class GamessReader(object): ''' Class for holding method for reading gamess binary files: - $JOB.F08 : two electron integrals over AO's, - $JOB.F09 : two electron integrals over MO's, - $JOB.F15 : GUGA and ORMAS two-electron reduced density matrix, TODO: CI coefficients, and CI hamiltonian matrix elements. ''' # add an option to choose which reader should be used for dictionary file # and sequential files, the options are: # - wrapped fortran code that need to be compiled and installed or # - native reader written in python using DictionaryFile and SequentialFile # classes def __init__(self, log): self.logfile = log i = self.logfile.index("log") self.filebase = self.logfile[:i-1] self.datfile = self.filebase + ".dat" self.twoeaofile = self.filebase + ".F08" self.twoemofile = self.filebase + ".F09" self.dictionary = self.filebase + ".F10" self.rdm2file = self.filebase + ".F15" = GamessLogParser(log=self.logfile)
[docs] def get_onee_size(self, aos=True): ''' Get the size of the vector holding upper (or lower) triangle of a square matrix of size naos or nmos. ''' if aos: n = else: n = return n * (n + 1) // 2
[docs] def get_twoe_size(self): ''' Get the size of the 1d vector holding upper (or lower) triangle of a supermatrix of size nmos (2RDM and two-electrons integrals). ''' n = self.get_onee_size(aos=False) return n * (n + 1) // 2
[docs] def read_rdm2(self, filename=None, nmo=None): '''Read the 2rdm from the gamess-us file''' # initialize numpy array to zeros rdm2 = np.zeros(self.get_twoe_size(), dtype=float)
[docs] def read_twoeao(self, filename=None, nmo=None): '''Read the two electron integrals from the gamess-us file''' ints = np.zeros(self.get_twoe_size(), dtype=float)
rec = namedtuple('record', ['name', 'dtype']) records = { 1: rec("atomic coordinates", "f8"), 2: rec("enrgys", "f8"), 3: rec("gradient vector", "f8"), 4: rec("hessian matrix", "f8"), 5: rec("not used", ""), 6: rec("not used", ""), 7: rec("ptr", "f8"), 8: rec("dtr", "f8"), 9: rec("ftr", "f8"), 10: rec("gtr", "f8"), 11: rec("bare nucleus", "f8"), 12: rec("overlap", "f8"), 13: rec("kinetic energy", "f8"), 14: rec("alpha fock matrix", "f8"), 15: rec("alpha orbitals", "f8"), 16: rec("alpha density matrix", "f8"), 17: rec("alpha energies or occupation numbers", "f8"), 18: rec("beta fock matrix", "f8"), 19: rec("beta orbitals", "f8"), 20: rec("beta density matrix", "f8"), 21: rec("beta energies or occupation numbers", "f8"), 22: rec("error function interpolation table", "f8"), 23: rec("old alpha fock matrix", "f8"), 24: rec("older alpha fock matrix", "f8"), 25: rec("oldest alpha fock matrix", "f8"), 26: rec("old beta fock matrix", "f8"), 27: rec("older beta fock matrix", "f8"), 28: rec("odest beta fock matrix", "f8"), 29: rec("vib 0 gradient in FORCE", "f8"), 30: rec("vib 0 alpha orbitals in FORCE", "f8"), 31: rec("Vib 0 beta orbitals in FORCE", "f8"), 32: rec("Vib 0 alpha density matrix in FORCE", "f8"), 33: rec("Vib 0 beta density matrix in FORCE", "f8"), 34: rec("dipole derivative tensor in FORCE", "f8"), 35: rec("frozen core Fock operator", "f8"), 36: rec("RHF/UHF/ROHF Lagrangian", "f8"), 37: rec("floating point part of common block /OPTGRD/", "f8"), 38: rec("integer part of common block /OPTGRD/", "i8"), 39: rec("ZMAT of input internal coords", "f8"), 40: rec("IZMAT of input internal coords", "i8"), 41: rec("B matrix of redundant internal coords", "f8"), 42: rec("pristine core Fock matrix in MO basis (see 87)", "f8"), 43: rec("Force constant matrix in internal coordinates", "f8"), 44: rec("SALC transformation", "f8"), 45: rec("symmetry adapted Q matrix", "f8"), 46: rec("S matrix for symmetry coordinates", "f8"), 47: rec("ZMAT for symmetry internal coords", "f8"), 48: rec("IZMAT for symmetry internal coords", "i8"), 49: rec("B matrix", "f8"), 50: rec("B inverse matrix", "f8"), 69: rec("alpha Lowdin populations", "f8"), 70: rec("beta Lowdin populations", "f8"), 71: rec("alpha orbitals during localization", "f8"), 72: rec("betha orbitals during localization", "f8"), 73: rec("alpha localization transformation", "f8"), 74: rec("beta localization transformation", "f8"), 95: rec("x dipole integrals in AO basis", "f8"), 96: rec("y dipole integrals in AO basis", "f8"), 97: rec("z dipole integrals in AO basis", "f8"), 251: rec("static polarizability tensor alpha", "f8"), 252: rec("X dipole integrals in MO basis", "f8"), 253: rec("Y dipole integrals in MO basis", "f8"), 254: rec("Z dipole integrals in MO basis", "f8"), 255: rec("alpha MO symmetry labels", "S8"), 256: rec("beta MO symmetry labels", "S8"), 286: rec("oriented localized molecular orbitals", "f8"), 379: rec("Lz integrals", "f8"), }
[docs]class DictionaryFile(BinaryFile): ''' Wrapper for reading GAMESS(US) dictionary file (\*.F10). ''' def __init__(self, filename, irecln=4090, int_size=8): """ Args: irecln: int Rrecord length that is used by GAMESS(US) when writing the dicitonary file. It is a platform dependent variable that is called IRECLN in the GAMESS(US) code. In GAMESS(US) it is set by the function NRASIZ(UNIT) in iolib.src and for dictionary file (unit=10) and UNX it is equal to 4090, for all other files and UNX it is equal to 2048. If you use GAMESS(US) on a different platform check the NRASIZ(UNIT) function for the proper value and supply it when instantiating the class. int_size: int Integer size (in bytes) that the GAMESS(US) was compiled with. """ super(DictionaryFile, self).__init__(filename) self.irecln = irecln self.int_size = int_size # read the first record with the information about the # structure of the dictionary file self.irecst ='i' + str(self.int_size))) self.ioda ='i' + str(self.int_size)), shape=(950,)) self.ifilen ='i' + str(self.int_size)), shape=(950,)) self.iss ='i' + str(self.int_size))) self.ipk ='i' + str(self.int_size)))
[docs] def read_record(self, nrec, dtype=None): ''' Read a logical record 'rec' from the dictionary file and return a numpy array of type defined in the 'records' list, and size defined through 'self.ifilen' array. ''' if self.ioda[nrec-1] < 0: raise IOError("Record {0} was not previously written, IODA[{0}]={1}".format(nrec, self.ioda[nrec-1])) * self.irecln * (int(self.ioda[nrec - 1]) - 1)) if dtype is not None: return, shape=(self.ifilen[nrec - 1],)) else: return[nrec].dtype, shape=(self.ifilen[nrec - 1],))
[docs]def tri2full(vector, sym=True): ''' Convert a triagonal matrix whose elements are stored in the `vector` into a rectangular matrix of the shape given by `shape` tuple. ''' # get the shape of the symmetric matrix from solving n^2 + n - 2s = 0 equation # where n is the number of rows/columns and s is the size of 1D vector n = int((np.sqrt(8.0 * vector.size + 1) - 1.0) / 2.0) matrix = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float, order='F') ij = -1 for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1): ij += 1 if sym: matrix[i, j] = matrix[j, i] = vector[ij] else: matrix[i, j] = vector[ij] matrix[j, i] = -vector[ij] return matrix